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Restaurant Strategy Course


1. Simply sign up for free.

2. Go to your dashboard.

3. Access the Introduction & Module 1.

4. Decide whether you want to access the rest of the course for a discounted $49.99.


  • Customer Service

    Customer Service is one of the most important challenges for operators as this was one of the biggest issues for customers. If it's their problem it's also a problem for the industry.

  • USP

    Restaurants often struggle to have a defining unique selling point, something that makes you stand out and different from the competition.

  • Covid -19

    The single biggest obstacle the hospitality industry has ever faced. With social distancing in place, the pandemic has forced restaurants to reduce dine-in capacity.

  • The Menu

    What should be on the menu? What should it look like? And what are the most profitable items? This is a fine balancing act to avoid overwhelming customers but at the same time to maximize profit.

  • Marketing & Social Media

    It's no longer enough just to have an online presence, a social media account is the newest member of your front of house team & restaurants need to take advantage of this opportunity to engage with customers or risk being left behind.

  • Finance

    Running a restaurant is a capital intensive business with tight margins but as you know cash-flow is king and without a great product, service and strategy, businesses can often run into financial difficulties.

Course Modules

  • Menu Development

  • Recipe Development

  • Concept & Unique Selling Proposition

  • Customer Behavior

  • Market Research

  • Statistics & Trends

  • Marketing & Social Media

  • Strategy

  • Leadership, Management & Well-Being

  • Business Analysis

Course Overview

This course is for new and existing restaurant owners & operators. If you are considering buying a restaurant to run by yourself, the information in this course ought to be considered essential.

This is a self-paced course which takes around 3-4 hours to complete. You can come and go as you please, completing it at a time that suits you. 

You do not need any previous experience or qualifications to take this course, although they may help you to complete it. 

The educational program we follow features modules ergonomically designed to identify and address some of the bigger challenges’ restaurateurs face. We will deal with the regularly occurring factors such as how to better market your business or exploring Unique Selling Propositions. If there is any content you feel is particularly difficult, simply contact us and we can answer any questions you may have. 

This course has been developed with your betterment and the benefit to your business in mind. If this programme leaves you somehow dissatisfied, we allow a 14-day money back guarantee period. We do our best to ensure that this course is educational, enlightening, and expressly benefits the hospitality sector, but if we do let you down, feel free to contact us with suggestions.

Course Features

  • Video Lectures

  • Tutorials

  • Templates

  • Industry Statistics

  • Infographics

  • Quizzes